My second guest for the blogroll special series is Siubhan (pronounce it shi-u-van) from the blog Simple Village Girl. She grew up in Scotland on the Isle of Islay but now calls Bristol home. She is a non-fiction editor, proofreader and typesetter in 'real life' and from reading her blog, I can see why she chose this professional path. She has a real eye for detail, her blog is a carefully curated account of her life where everything fits perfectly together, a balance of beautiful pictures and thoughtful words sprinkled with a harmony of colours.
1. What does blogging mean to you? In a world of instagram, twitter, facebook, etc what makes you still hit the button publish today?
I keep hearing about Instagram being the death of the personal blog, but actually, while I really appreciate Instagram, it just doesn't provide enough context or connection to the story behind the images for me. What keeps me clicking publish is the hope that the amazing bloggers I've admired for so long will keep on clicking publish too, and will continue to let me read the stories behind their photographs.
2. What's the story behind your blog? How did you come to blog?
I started my blog after leaving a job that I liked, but that had become pretty uneconomical. I was feeling kind of directionless, and then I stumbled upon a couple of amazing blogs (Fieldguided and Liebemarlene in particular I think) and decided that the only way to legitimately spend hours reading them without feeling guilty was to start one myself. So I decided to give it a go. I'm amazed that I'm still doing it really!
I live in a city called Bristol, in the south-west of England. I think it does influence my blog in terms of the fact that I've never really liked living here a huge amount, so I always go out of my way to make the best of it, and seek out the things that I can enjoy about living here – I guess it makes me seek out the bright side.
This is a hard one to answer. In terms of wanting to go back and read one again and again, it would be Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, which I first read when I was about 15 and just fell in love with.
5. What are your favourite things to do on a sunday afternoon?
I think Sunday afternoons are for planning, and baking.

Many, many thanks to Siubhan for her participation and for letting me use her pictures (all pictures are from her blog Simple Village Girl, collages by me).
this is gorgeous and such a good idea for a series. i'm new here but i'm already loving your blog ♥
aw thanks for your kind words xmoira
oh wonderful. can't wait to visit the blog. Lovely collages.
you're gonna love it! x
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