Is this going to be Murakami's year on the big screens? I bloody hope so although I pray he keeps being picky about his books' adaptations... They are way too precious to be spoiled on reels. So far I saw Tony Takitani (based on the same-name short story published in the collection Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman). When you read it, you can't miss how cinematographic the story feels. I enjoyed this very atmospheric movie but it has the default of many many book adaptations : too much voice-over...
This year, film festivals have seen two new adaptations : Norwegian Wood by Anh Hung Tranh (which I already blogged about here - I outrageously forgot to mention that the soundtrack was composed by Radiohead's guitarist Jonny Greenwood *represses shameful fangirling*) and The Second Bakery Attack by Carlos Cuaron (brother of director Alfonso Cuaron famous for, among others, Y Tu Mama Tambien and Children of Men).
This 10-minute feature is based on the short story of the same name, which you can find in the collection The Elephant Vanishes (collection that I happen to be reading right now curiously enough). To sum it up, it's the story of a couple who wake up one night and realise that they are starving... probably an allegory for couples troubles but I got used to accept and enjoy Murakami's mysteries, the way you watch a sunset without trying to understand the galaxy mechanisms and end up losing sleep. Anyways, this couple decide to rob a McDonald to end their excruciating hunger.
Here's an extract below... I was astonished that the fast-food restaurant looked exactly how I imagined it whilst reading the short story (even though this film is located in the US and not in Tokyo). I must say this makes me quite excited to see it! Also I am always (marsh-mallowy) happy to see Kirsten Dunst on screen!
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