Another time-wasting occupation of mine is tumblr. I can spend hours and hours browsing the continuous flux of incredible pictures. I don't post as many originals as I would like to but even if my tumblr is composed mostly of reblogs, it will tell you about my current obsessions or my eternal loves. Like this month, I had a bit of "reblog fever" when visiting pages on Jane Birkin and her daughter Charlotte Gainsbourg. But mostly, you will see outfits and hairdo that inspire me, cute animals, sea stuff, vintage homes with frames all over the walls, potted plants, pictures that smell of summer, crafts ideas, etc...
And as it wasn't time-consuming enough, I created another tumblr this time dedicated to the stylist Leith Clark. It all started because I couldn't find a tumblr where I could delight in her perfect style. After being shocked that something so essential didn't exist on the interweb, I thought "Ah go on" and started collecting pictures of her and slowly tumblring them (I am trying to post only original pictures with their correct source so it takes a bit of time).
Do join the fun if you feel like it, my personal tumblr is penguin waddle and the one on Leith Clark is Fuck Yeah Leith Clark (I surrendered to the tumblring convention yes).
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